Urban Camel is a boutique strategic research and innovation agency with expertise in sustainable growth and the transition to the Circular Economy.

The name Urban Camel is a metaphor that represents how businesses can build resilience and longevity by mimicking natural ecosystems in the way living organisms interact and manage resources.

We act as a liaison between technical and business departments, translating research outcomes into specific and impactful implementations. We work across industries while our area of expertise lies in the Water-Food-Energy nexus and Blue Growth. Blue Growth is a long-term strategy implemented by the European Commission to promote sustainable growth in the marine and maritime sectors and utilize the untapped potential of Europe's oceans as drivers for the European green economy.

Urban Camel has been awarded the Silver Award for Green Start-Up at the Green Brand Awards and was honored as the regional winner for Ecosystem Hero of the Year 2023 at the South Europe StartUp Awards.

To create sustainable ecosystems, we need synergies. If you are interested in exploring opportunities to collaborate on a new project or venture, feel free to contact us.